Yearly Archives: 2016

The Shadow Trapper!

So this year, we decided to go to the SF ExploratOrium to take your holiday pictures.  We had high hopes when we arrived... but taking pictures in a dark room, and realizing you had to take it within 2 seconds or lose the effect... proved to be extremely difficult.  Especially with two cranky boys.  And…
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Happy TLC Friday! A holiday flashback

TLC Fridays Promo from Michael on Vimeo. Ok, so here's something from way back last New Years.  I just ran across it, and thought I'd post it.  What better way to cram together a night of shows on TLC than on an elevator!  Am I right??  Anyhoo... this one was fun to write, cuz all…
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[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] And for a quick little end of summer adventure... I got to play with two American icons - Budweiser & Harley Davidson. This co-branded spot came out of it. The miniseries comes out soon and I expect it should do pretty well.   The history of the "Harley", and the motorcycle in…
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I forgot to give a quick shout out to the photographer on my website.  That's my 10-year old son Jordan!  His skills behind the camera made me look... well... not as bad as I could have.  He actually had the patience to pose me and take several shots before getting back to his Pokemon Go!…
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