Category Archives: Fun Stuff


[embed][/embed] Well, here's a spot that actually got done during the Covid shutdown. I'm glad there were still a few bright spots among the past year's ugliness. And frankly, I guess, burning things does make you feel better. Right?? Anyhoo, it's been such an ugly year, I haven't really been posting things much. Not that…
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Up for the “Countdown”! Here's another fun project from not too long ago. For the record, if I had the chance to download an app that told me when I was going to die... there'd be no way! Anything like this idea kind of freaks me out, even though I know it can't possibly be true. For the…
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THE HUNT! (for treasure)

If there's one thing my family likes, it's treasure-hunting shows. Specifically, the real-life treasure hunts. Whether its "Snake Island" "Oak Island" or "Expedition Unknown", my family is glued and, in fact, seeks out more. We've found ones looking for treasure in the southwest, and searching for WWII treasure, plus "Alaskan Yukon Gold" and plenty more I can't even keep track of. So... when I was asked to work on this project... Obviously, I was very excited. Then, add to it, the big humor aspect and I was totally in. Like finding the Holy Grail, I think figuring out the tone may have been a bit elusive... but ultimately, it was all about the search! And who better to follow than that famed archeologist - Indiana Jones!

STARK RAVING DAD now in stores!!!

Look for it at a book seller near you! Including Barnes & Noble's across the country... and Book Passage in Corte Madera (like this pic of me and my source of inspiration at the book signing!) #barnes&noble #bookpassage #starkravingdad  
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