Food Network has decided to up the stakes for their legendary "IRON CHEF".  Thus, The Gauntlet with not just one, not two, but three Iron Chefs who face off against the poor cook, who's lucky enough to beat out all his/her fellow competitors!  Definitely enjoyed working on this one, although in the end, I think they needed to get in the important information... so most of my nifty wordsmithing did not make the final cut.   "Who's cuisine will reign supreme?"  I don't know.  But I do know - 10,000 taiko drummers like the Olympic opening ceremony in China - was slightly out of budget.  Still, the people at A/V Squad made it work like a perfectly plated lamb dish the final judges keep lip-smacking over.  Thanks Peter & Teresa!  **Note: I do love Alton Brown perfectly annunciating "difficult culinary competition"...  Lots of big, percussive words to keep him honest!!

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