The Troopers are back!!

The Troopers are back!!

Ok, so its been years and years... and years, since the Super Troopers were in theaters.  But the cult fav build-up has been really building up!   And finally they're back!!  Like Meow!

When I got the call to work on this - it gave me flashbacks to over a decade ago...  I actually worked on a TV show called "Canned Ham" and it was a behind-the-scenes show airing on Comedy Central.  You know what one of my first shows was?  Yup!  "Super Troopers"  So it brought back a lot of memories... some good, some late-night foggy... but I was pretty excited to work on this.  Cuz after meeting these fellas - you realize they're pretty cool guys, just having a good time!  (read: they weren't douchebags)  And frankly, I think the world needed some more Super Troopers.  It was time to bring these guys back(Even after Club Dread.)  So this is tons of fun, and thanks to the Refinery for including me.

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