Summer over already?? Seems like I never have time to add a post. So I wanted to throw down a bunch of shout outs, as well as highlight what's up and coming on the Rocket Science front. First, I want to thank Steven - the guy who helped me get this website up and running. It required some serious skill... that I don't have, so thanks Steven. Also wanted to thank my family (Lorna, Jordan, & Kylan) for an awesome summer - that's us at the top of Donahue Pass in Yosemite! Our 30 mile, 4 day backpacking trip from Mammoth into Yosemite was, for sure, an unforgettable experience. On the work front, I'm excited about the commercial possibilities with Steve Harvey and Green Dot, TJ Miller and Critics Choice Awards, Budweiser and Harley and the Davidsons, the New York Rangers... and upcoming movies Don't Breath, Resident Evil, Pete's Dragon, Suicide Squad, Chips, Nut Job 2 and a heck of a lot more stuff I'm leaving out, cuz I can't remember right now. As we go into the fall, I'm gonna try to more actively pop in updates... so if there's anybody reading... keep checking in! I hope to have some exciting stuff to add soon.